Cancellation of National Flèche and Trace


Dear randonneurs!

We want to inform you that we decided to cancel National Flèche and Trace this year until the next year.

The situation with COVID-19 pandemic and measures taken by government we still do not have an answer whether Flèche and Trace can be planned and held.

We’re considering two factors:

  1. Safety—the situation is under control,
  2. Technical—all the participants can reach starting and meeting points, as well as get homes from the meeting point.

According to the plan of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (UKR) regarding ceasing quarantine measures, interurban transport can open service on the fifth stage of it. For the moment ceasing of the measures on the first stage of the plan will occur in the nearest future. The date of the fifth (and the last) stage is hard to predict.

In addition to aforesaid, we remember one of the pillars of the Flèche—riding the longest possible distance in 24 hours, despite limited preparation and difficult climatic conditions. So, holding Flèche in the middle of the season would be not “fair”.

Also, we’re taking into account the fact, that clubs have their calendars of events for the season, which may collide with the possible new dates of the Flèche and Trace.

We hope mankind will weather the challenge of the new virus, as it weather before. Scientists will find the cure and vaccine, while we will follow their recommendations to keep ourselves and our close relatives safe.

So, we hope the next season will be more favorable to all who want to participate in such special events as Flèche and Trace are.

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Sincerely yours,
Moguls Audax team